Bacterial culture from the nose

Bacterial culture from the nose is the culture of microflora from the nose for the purpose of diagnosing bacterial infections, as well as determining sensitivity to antibiotics. This analysis allows you to identify the causative agent and determine its sensitivity to the antibiotic. The result of such an analysis will help the doctor prescribe effective treatment, justify the appointment of an antibiotic. Examination of the culture from the nose helps to determine the type of infections that affect the nose and cause rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis and other bacterial lesions of the nose. Such a study helps to prevent the transition of the course of the disease to the chronic stage.

  • Indications for analysis
  • How to prepare for the analysis?
    Bacteriological culture from the nose is taken in the morning. Also, before sowing, it is not recommended to rinse the nose, carry out any therapeutic actions. A few days before the test, it is recommended to stop using various medications, including antibiotics. To collect biomaterial from the nasopharynx, the doctor uses a plastic stick with a sterile cotton swab on the end. With this stick, the doctor runs along the back wall of the nasopharynx. The procedure itself is painless, but a little unpleasant.
380 UAH
location_on St. S. Rudnytskyi, 5
location_on St. V. Lypkivskogo, 45