Поліклініка Мамин Дім
Мамин Дім Харків
Педіатр в Харкові

A pediatrician is a child's primary doctor from birth.

This specialist knows everything about children's health.

The best thing you can do for your baby is to choose a good pediatrician who will become his friend and ally in the fight against any viruses, bacteria and infections.

A team of like-minded doctors works in the "Mamyn Dim" polyclinic network.

These are professionals who take a comprehensive approach to solving problems, prescribe only the necessary medicines and, together with parents, work towards the same goal - the good health of the child.

Mamin Dim polyclinic is:


Caring pediatricians

who do not prescribe anything extra and know exactly how to raise a healthy child!


Professional doctors

For children and adults


Laboratory analyses

In order to check the condition of the body and detect infection, comprehensive programs for monitoring the health of the baby, mother and father

Our team

A pediatrician is a specialist of a wide profile, 80% of all cases of children's health disorders fall under his competence. But there are cases when it is simply necessary to involve narrowly specialized specialists. That is why specialized highly qualified specialists work in the network of polyclinics "Mamin Dim". Here you can do vaccinations, laboratory tests, medical manipulations as quickly as possible, with high quality and without unnecessary nerves.


Consultation of a pediatrician

We never get tired of saying that a pediatrician is the most important doctor for a child, and we want parents to understand that visits to specialized specialists should be based on his recommendation.

Visits by specialized specialists and examinations are by appointment.

Polyclinics of "Mamin Dim" centers are a place where you will always be helped.
Our doctors are masters of their field.
They are professionals with a big soul who love children.
In the person of a pediatrician, you will get not just a knowledgeable specialist, but also a wise adviser in matters of your baby's health.
After all, a relationship of trust between a doctor and parents is a guarantee of a child's health.

note_alt Make an appointment with a doctor

Prevention course

It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. That is why we insist on the importance of preventive examinations and preventive measures. We pay great attention to vaccination and preparation for it. Anyone can undergo or continue the course of vaccination in our "Mother's House" polyclinics.


Action plan:

  1. Make an appointment with a pediatrician about vaccinations
  2. Have a joint examination of the child by our specialist.
  3. In the absence of contraindications, obtain the pediatrician's consent for vaccination.
  4. Get a pediatrician's opinion on the conditions for vaccination.
  5. Sign consent for vaccination. The pediatrician draws up a child's immunization card of an international standard.
  6. Inoculate and wait 30 minutes under the supervision of medical personnel.
  7. Get an immunization card with complete information about the administered vaccine, the schedule of subsequent vaccinations and doctor's contacts.
note_alt Sign up for vaccinations

Professional programs

In addition to taking care of your child's health, we also take care of your peace and comfort. A team of pediatricians is developing complex packages of services that will reduce the cost of your time and finances, and most importantly, protect you from sudden troubles.

"Family" program
5000 ₴
  • The "Family" program is confidence in quality medical care and a guarantee of the health of all members of your family. The feature of the program is convenience and efficiency, as well as the possibility of using all medical services of the "Mamyn Dim" polyclinic.

Management of pregnancy in the Mother's House center
23000 ₴
  • Package "Careful" — (includes the most necessary analyzes and studies, a convenient bag for the maternity hospital for the mother and the baby, as well as the patronage of a pediatrician after childbirth to support the health and comfort of your family during this important period of life).

"Newborn+" program
11700 ₴
  • The first year of a child's life is the most important period, because during this time intensive growth and development of your baby takes place. Meanwhile, the main care of the child falls on the parents. But still, you should not neglect the qualified help of specialists.

Our doctors

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