Otolaryngologist, pediatric otolaryngologist Bezpechnyy Serhiy Viktorovych

Bezpechnyy Serhiy Viktorovych

  • Specialty:
    Otolaryngologist, pediatric otolaryngologist
  • City of work:
  • Department:
  • where_to_voteHryhorivske Shosse, 57

13 years old

Treatment and consultation on ear, throat, and nose diseases: inflammatory diseases (acute and chronic sinusitis, vasomotor-drug rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute laryngitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis, acute and chronic otitis media), ENT injuries (contusions and fractures), ENT neoplasms

  • Kharkiv National Medical University, 2011.
  • Internship in the specialty "Otolaryngology", KhMAPO, 2013.
  • Courses in ear microsurgery and neurosurgery at the P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Pediatrics, 2013.
  • Clinical residency in "Otolaryngology", KhMAPO, 2015.
  • Specialization in "Pediatric Otolaryngology", KhMAPO, 2016.
  • Information and internship courses "Functional Endoscopic Rhinosurgery" at the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of the National Military Medical Clinical Center "GVKG", 2019.
  • Scientific and practical conference "School of Evidence-Based Medicine" (Rhinoplasty), 2019.
  • Scientific and practical conference "School of Evidence-Based Medicine" (Otosurgery), 2019.
  • Thematic improvement courses "Modern endoscopic technologies in otolaryngology", Poltava, 2023.
  • Participant of annual scientific and practical otolaryngological conferences.

  • Why did I become a doctor?
note_alt Make an appointment with a doctor