Mammologist, breastfeeding consultant. Daria Yuryivna Melnyk

Daria Yuryivna Melnyk

  • Specialty:
    Mammologist, breastfeeding consultant.
  • City of work:
  • Department:
  • where_to_voteSt. Hryhoriya Skovorody, 31
    where_to_vote5 Petro Grihorenko Ave

Work experience of about 10 years
Kharkiv National Medical University 2008-2014, internship in the specialty "Surgery" 2014-2017 at the City Clinical Hospital of Rapid and Emergency Medical Care named after Prof. O.I. Meshchaninov and the Institute of General and Emergency Surgery named after V. T. Zaitsev, Certificate in the specialization "Surgery" 2017, Certificate in the specialization "Ultrasound diagnostics" 2021, Certificate in the specialization "Oncology" 2023, Certificate of breastfeeding consultant 2023

  • Why did I become a doctor?
note_alt Make an appointment with a doctor