Adult endocrinologist, Therapist Yulia Valeriivna Melnyk

Yulia Valeriivna Melnyk

  • Specialty:
    Adult endocrinologist, Therapist
  • City of work:
  • Department:
  • where_to_voteSt. Hryhoriya Skovorody, 31

15 years

Kharkiv State Medical University in 2004

Specialization in therapy on the basis of the Regional Clinical Hospital.

Since 2009, she worked as a therapist in a women's consultation.

In 2013, specialization in endocrinology at the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

2018 - second category in endocrinology.

2019 - the second category in therapy.

I regularly attend thematic events and conferences.

  • Why did I become a doctor?
note_alt Make an appointment with a doctor