Speech therapist, Psychologist Mitseva Olga Serhiivna

Mitseva Olga Serhiivna

  • Specialty:
    Speech therapist, Psychologist
  • City of work:
  • Department:
  • where_to_voteSt. Hryhoriya Skovorody, 31

27 years old
Faculty of Defectology of the Ural Pedagogical University - speech therapy; Kharkiv State University - psychology. In 2001, she completed an internship and certification in game psychology and psychotherapy with Professor, Doctor of Psychiatry. A.I. Zakharova (St. Petersburg). In 2004, advanced training in psychological counseling at the Higher School of Psychology (Moscow). In 2006, advanced training at the Ukrainian seminary school "Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis on the way to European integration" (Kyiv). In 2008 - advanced training "Creation of a training center in the company. Corporate training center" (Kyiv). In 2014, advanced training "Professionally oriented course for practical psychologists" (Kyiv). In 2016, advanced training "Speech therapy and probe massage in the correction of dysarthria"; "Correction of sound speech in dysarthria", "Stuttering in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Mechanisms, manifestations, examination, corrective work" (Kharkov) In 2016, she completed the training "Development of stress resistance in children" (Kharkov).

  • Why did I become a doctor?
note_alt Make an appointment with a doctor