Children's orthopedist Taras Dmytrovych Stanaev

Taras Dmytrovych Stanaev

  • Specialty:
    Children's orthopedist
  • City of work:
  • Department:
  • where_to_voteSt. Hryhoriya Skovorody, 31
    where_to_vote5 Petro Grihorenko Ave
    where_to_voteSt. Gvardiytsiv-Shironintsiv, 33
    where_to_voteHryhorivske Shosse, 57

Since 1996, traumatologist at OKTL, pediatrician since 1994.
Graduated from Kharkiv Medical Institute in 1994

  • Why did I become a doctor?
note_alt Make an appointment with a doctor