🤱 Pregnancy Management Program: Confident and Happy 9 Months

pregnancy management program

Dear future mothers! You are expecting a baby. There is a 9-month journey ahead of you, and we want to make it easy for you. No chaos in your head, no endless searches for information, and no running between clinics.

We know that for a future mother, not only medical care is important, but also a sense of confidence and comfort. Therefore, at "Mamyn Dim" we have taken care of everything to make pregnancy a happy period, and not an endless search for answers.

In the Pregnancy Management program at the "Mother's House" center, we have combined everything necessary for expectant mothers:

  • comprehensive support from the first weeks until delivery
  • experienced specialists who care about your health
  • all tests, ultrasounds and consultations in one place – without queues and unnecessary hassle
  • supporting physical and emotional well-being.

And we also took care of nice bonuses for you and your baby. Our package includes not only professional care from doctors, but also useful things that you will need from the first days: a bag for the maternity hospital, a baby box, and pediatrician's patronage after birth.

Also for you - bonuses from the shop.mamyndim store. 30% discount on maternity clothes, 20% discount on newborn clothes, a 1000 UAH certificate for the purchase of a stroller for a newborn, and much more.