Indications for analysis
determination of renal failure; diagnosis of hidden inflammatory processes in the kidneys; hidden hematuria (blood in the urine); monitoring the effectiveness of treatment of various diseases.
How to prepare for the analysis?
There is no special preparation for urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. Before collecting urine, you need to carry out a thorough toilet of the genitals (wash with soap under running water). Physical and emotional stress should be avoided the day before. For analysis, collect the average morning portion of urine - first pee a little in the pot, then in a sterile dry container, the rest of the urine in the pot. The container can be bought at a pharmacy or "Mamin Dom" polyclinic. It is not recommended to eat foods that can change the color of urine (carrots, beets, rhubarb, bay leaves), salty and fatty foods, and diuretics a day before the test. It is undesirable to take the test for women during menstruation. The day before the test, you should stop taking any medications. Do not overcool or overheat.
Urine collected for analysis must be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours.