
kharkiv colposcopy

What you need to know about examination of the external genitalia (colposcopy)

The colposcopy procedure involves a detailed examination of the external genitalia, vagina, and cervix under magnification using a special device called a colposcope. The colposcope provides a 4-40x magnification, which allows the doctor to carefully examine the tissues and detect abnormalities or changes in the structure of the mucous membrane, which may be a sign of various diseases.


Use of colposcopy

  • Diagnosis of mucosal changes invisible to the naked eye.
  • Detecting abnormalities such as precancerous and cancerous changes in the early stages.
  • Detection of benign neoplasms, prevention of their transformation into malignant ones.
  • Assessment of the condition of the cervical tissues, the presence of inflammatory processes or other abnormalities.

The procedure is painless, safe, and allows for timely detection of pathologies that can lead to serious health problems.

During colposcopy, the doctor evaluates the mucous membrane, tissue color, glandular shape, vascular pattern, and possible neoplasms. Additional tests may be performed for an accurate diagnosis.


When is colposcopy needed?

  • Abnormal cytology results that require further investigation.
  • During a planned cervical biopsy to clarify the diagnosis.
  • If the analysis showed the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) or condylomas were detected.
  • In the presence of erosion or inflammatory processes of the cervix that require clarification.
  • If you experience pain during sexual contact with a man, this may indicate problems with the health of the cervix.
  • Polyps on the genitals, which may be benign neoplasms and require examination.

Advanced colposcopy

Test with 3% acetic acid solution
During this procedure, acetic acid is applied to the cervix using a cotton swab or spray. A slight burning sensation in the vagina is possible. The acid makes the tissues more embossed, removing mucus and constricting the superficial vessels. The pathological epithelium turns white, taking the shape of a bunch of grapes, which allows you to clearly define the border between the cylindrical and flat epithelium - the place where malignant formations most often develop.

Schiller's test
This test is performed using Lugol's iodine solution (unless you are allergic to iodine). Squamous epithelium stains brown, and abnormal areas stain weakly or not at all. These unstained areas are called iodine-negative.


Price of cervical colposcopy

The price of colposcopy in Kharkov450 UAH

You can undergo a colposcopy procedure at "Mother's House" clinics.

Our gynecologists will not only conduct a gynecological examination, but will also answer all questions you may have, give recommendations on the prevention of gynecological diseases, and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.


Where can you register in Kharkiv:

location_onKharkiv city
Mother's House polyclinic

St. Hryhoriya Skovorody, 31

note_alt Make an appointment for a colposcopy