A common problem among preschoolers is frequent runny noses, colds, acute respiratory infections, SARS after starting kindergarten, which is why mothers are interested in how to strengthen a child's immunity in kindergarten , whether it is possible to prevent diseases.
At what age does immunity appear in a child?
The formation of the immune system begins during intrauterine development. In the last trimester of pregnancy, immunoglobulins are transferred to the child's bloodstream through the placenta, and after birth, the baby receives antibodies from the mother through breast milk. Such immunity is called innate. Acquired immunity appears in babies at 3-6 months, but its formation continues until adulthood.
It should be taken into account that there are critical periods in the development of the immune system:
- from birth to 28 days;
- 3-6 months;
- 2-3 years;
- 6-7 years old;
- 12-15 years old.
Why do children get sick during kindergarten
The main reason for frequent colds is a change in lifestyle and new infections that "live" in a new team. The child's psycho-emotional state is also important, because going to kindergarten causes a lot of stress in most children.
How to increase a child's immunity before kindergarten ? Some parents choose the easiest option - take the baby out of kindergarten. But in this way it will not be possible to fundamentally solve the problem - the child will start to get sick again when he goes to school. Immunologists advise not to panic, because diseases will accelerate the maturation of the immune system, and after 6-7 months the baby will stop getting sick and will be able to visit the children's group.
Children who come to kindergarten for the first time get respiratory infections 5-6 times a year during the first year, which is considered the norm.
When preparing a child for kindergarten, it is important not only to ensure a proper diet and healthy sleep, but also to support immunity. A balanced diet, daily physical activity and regular walks in the fresh air strengthen the body. It is especially important to get all the necessary vitamins with food. Do not forget about a preventive dose of vitamin D, which also helps protect the body from infections.
How to strengthen a child's immunity before kindergarten

Immunity strengthening is a system of measures aimed at strengthening the body's natural defenses.
Several methods are known strengthening the child's immunity :
- Hardening
This is a set of procedures using natural factors, thanks to which the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions increases.
The most common procedures:
o sunbathing - the effect of the sun's rays on the skin;
o air baths - being in the open air with bare skin;
o water procedures - wiping, dousing, bathing;
o contrast shower - alternating pouring of cold and hot water.
You should start hardening with those procedures that the child likes the most. Gradually, the spectrum of action on the body is expanded. But for preschoolers, radical methods (contrast shower, walking barefoot in the snow, dousing with too cold water) are not desirable.
- Physical activity
Any physical activity that is strong for a baby can strengthen immunity. Preschoolers are recommended short-term exercises that can be performed during the day, running, swimming, cycling and sledding, walking with the dog, active games.
Physical activity activates blood circulation, thanks to which all body systems (including the immune system) receive oxygen and nutrients necessary for vital activity. In addition, physical activity helps fight stress, improves mood, and improves sleep.
- Taking vitamins
Vitamins can be taken in two forms: as part of products and in the form of vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies.
Vitamin C, which is rich in citrus fruits, apples, rose hips, bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, and spinach, effectively strengthens the natural protective function. Vitamin E, which is found in vegetable oils, avocados, peanuts, and seeds, reduces inflammatory processes in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines) and nuts, increase the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Zinc contained in beef liver, turkey, and dairy products will help neutralize pathogens that have already entered the body. An important role in the formation of resistance to bacterial and viral infections is played by iron, the sources of which are buckwheat and millet porridge, legumes, potatoes, beets, and broccoli.
Natural vitamins can be eaten in any quantity, and pharmacy vitamin supplements must be taken with exact observance of the dosage, having previously received the advice of a pediatrician .
- Proper nutrition
The key to strong immunity is a balanced diet. The child's diet should include dishes that contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, macro- and microelements in the required amount. It is important that the children's diet always includes fresh vegetables and fruits, which can be replaced with smoothies or freshly squeezed juices, kefir, yogurts, and cheeses.
Do not abuse sweets. Sugar has a negative effect on immunity and impairs the assimilation of mineral elements necessary for maintaining the immune system (magnesium, calcium, zinc). It is better to replace confectionery products with dried fruits and honey.
It is important that the child drinks 1-2 liters of water per day (depending on age).
The level of immunity largely depends on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, because 70% of immune cells are located in the intestines. In addition, a healthy microflora of the stomach accelerates the digestion of food, participates in the synthesis of vitamins, and improves general well-being. If problems arise, you should contact a pediatric gastroenterologist .
How to raise a child's immunity ? The best natural stimulators of the immune system are garlic and ginger. Vitamin drinks will be of great benefit: decoction of sea buckthorn, rose hips, mountain ash, viburnum, homemade wort.
An important role in the prevention of colds is played by:
- regular airing of the apartment - enriches the air with oxygen and reduces the number of microbes;
- the use of humidifiers, especially when heating devices are operating - the moist membrane of the nose traps viruses;
- avoiding stress, maintaining a positive mood, which contributes to the synthesis of the "hormone of happiness" and has a positive effect on immunity;
- full sleep - improves physical and mental condition, activates the process of immunity formation;
- walking barefoot on sand and grass - activates reflexogenic zones, stimulates the work of all organs and systems;
- regular walks - under the influence of the sun, vitamin D is synthesized in the body, and in the cold season, resistance to temperature changes is additionally increased;
- annual flu shots.